Wednesday 16 October 2019

Wednesday 16th October

I had a lovely walk with the local walking group this morning, chatted non-stop.  It is so good to have adult company. I think I have really been missing that the last few years of not working etc...  I've been invited to join a few of them on a walk out of the area tomorrow and we are stopping for both morning tea and lunch, so that sounds like a lovely day out and I am really looking forward to it.

I had my eyes tested today - yeah I remembered to turn up this time!  As I suspected my vision has changed a bit and I do need new glasses.  I keep the same frames as they are ultra light and they don't do any as light as mine anymore, but the cost of the lenses still came to £495!  Which seems really criminal to me.  How do people afford glasses?  I haven't committed to any yet, as loath to pay over that sort of money to be honest.  I had a new pair of glasses made in NZ, a couple of years ago and had real fancy tests done that take all sorts of photos of your eyes, their health, shape and size of eyes, etc, and also these are emailed to you, and it cost a fraction of the price of the lens price today.  If I'd thought I would have had them rechecked when I was over there this year, but there was just too much going on with my illness, then my Dad's and of course his accident.

I picked up a cross stitch embroidery to do.  I used to do a lot of cross stitch when I lived in NZ, but done hardly any here.  It is a small kit, so hopefully it might get me back into it.  I like butterflies, so this particularly caught my eye, when I popped into the CS.


  1. You can take your presciption to another optician if you wanted to see if you could get the lenses cheaper. I was always happy with the one you "should have gone to..." if you are liable to trim your sheepdog but when it came to varifocals theirs were not good for me and yet a pair I paid more from at an independent opticians were fine so sometimes you pays your money and you takes your choice. Enjoy your walk it sounds good.

    1. I will take my prescription to some other opticians to get a price... I tried to explain to this one that I haven't ever been able to use my current varifocals for reading or playing music with as the focus just isn't right, and he said the new ones will be fine, but what would make them any different if I haven't been able to use them for their intended purpose from the start? The main use they get is in the evening when I watch a film or series and knit at the same time. I have hated walking in them, and they are impossible to read with as you have to move your head too much. So I am a bit dubious about spending such a lot of money for something that might not be fit for purpose.

  2. Yes, the cost of new glasses can be eye watering - if you'll pardon the pun. That seems very expensive though. Do you need a special prescription?

    Oh wow. That cross stitch is gorgeous. Just the sort of thing I'd love to do. Was it from a local shop or a high street store? xx

    1. I have astimagtism and are now both long and short sighted - oh joyful! So they are varifocals? I don't know if that is special or not, but it seems a crazy price to me.

      As for the cross stitch, I thought you would like it :-) I got it from a charity shop.

  3. The cost is shocking. Bill needed new glasses recently, he went to one place that wanted over £500 for them, so he shopped around. We ended up going to a lovely place in town, where he chose some really nice frames from Oliver Peoples, which were expensive, especially with the lenses etc, but it came out a little cheaper than the £500+ pair, as they were prepared to do a bit of a deal. but it's shocking how much they charge. Just for the basic need to see, they get away with charging an absolutely fortune. x


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