Saturday 19 October 2019

Saturday Walking 19th October

What a beautiful day it has been today.  So nice to see some blue sky!

Saturday is the day we do the longer, more 'off road' walking.  Across fields, through woods etc...

A perfect morning for walking and enjoying the countryside that surrounds us with good company.

I met another person today and we got chatting and we are going to try and arrange to meet up to do some walks together on days we don't have the group walks which should be nice.  I will look forward to that.  

This walking is getting rather addictive!  How much more pleasant it is when I am not ending up in pain in my legs etc...  So much different from the last year.

After lunch DH and I took the dogs out as I didn't get to take them out for their early morning walk this morning. That was enjoyable as well.

I of course collected more Conkers on my seems I just can't resist picking them up.  I collected quite a bowlful it seems!

They are so pretty when they are fresh and shiny. Such lovely grains and patterns on them.

Well evening is upon us already.  Dinner shortly and then an evening knitting.  

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous landscape. And I totally agree, there is something just a little bit fabulous about shiny fresh conkers.
    I spotted a spider in a room so held up a conker and shouted 'go away, I have a conker'. Not sure if it was because I looked like some crazed idiot, or if it was the Power of The Conker, but the spider scuttled away! Made me laugh!

    Hope your eyes are feeling more normal now. x


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