Thursday 24 October 2019

Thursday 24th October

Gosh a pretty miserable day today weather wise.  Fortunately I managed to take Stanley out for his walk before the rain came down.

We picked up Percy late this afternoon.  I have to say I was very disappointed with the vets this time.  They hadn't given his food that I package up for him each time he stays in for his overnight treatments.  We stick to his diet for health reasons after he had the seizures and liver problems last year, so it is important that he maintains this diet, especially when having treatment so if there are any side effects, we know it isn't a different diet!  We also feel that the 'over examine'.  She mentioned how he got grumpy with them the second time they palpated his spine.  Why do they have to do it more than once?  He is such a friendly well mannered dog, we don't want him to start becoming irritable with people.  There were a few other niggly things as after his next session in six weeks time, we might see if our regular vet can administer the chemo instead.  There will be more continuity that way.  Each time we have been in to the Vet Hospital we have seen someone different and I think they have students watching and examining at times as well.

Over and out for now.


  1. That's sad to hear. I hope you manage to get continuity. I wish the wee fellow well.

  2. Poor Percy. Bad enough he's going through what he is without being prodded and poked as well. Hope your vet is able to give him the chemo in future. xx


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