Tuesday 22 October 2019

Tuesday Twitterings

A bit of a 'bitty' kind of day today.  Lots of little things to do that seem to have taken up time.  Post parcels, pick up a prescription, do some shopping.  Tree surgeon came out to look at the work we need doing and we are now waiting on the quote.  He is pretty good, we have had him before so it shouldn't be too long before we receive it.

My husband had to take his Mum to her physio 'talking' appointment - they don't actually treat you, they just tell you how to...yes you guessed it 'rewrite your narrative'  such a waste of time especially if the appropriate tests haven't been done to rule out other issues.  How about teaching them to do certain gentle exercises that will help to improve balance, maintain mobility etc?  Or is that too much like hard work or 'out of fashion'.  

He then had to take our younger son into London. 

In the afternoon we popped up to see our daughter in law, who kindly made us a nice dinner.  So by the time we got home in the evening we could just sit and relax.  Or at least I could, DH had to get on with some work that he hadn't been able to do while operating as an unpaid taxi service for his Mum and our younger son.

Still waiting on a report that was supposed to have been posted out on Monday. (Not that we have had any response to our emails or phone calls, it is just what we have heard from a third party).  Getting increasingly frustrated.  They are quick enough to take your money! 

The electrician still hasn't called in to see to the heating timer. 

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