Thursday 3 October 2019

Turning Cold Thursday.

Gosh it was cold when I took the dogs out for their walk this morning.  Only 2 degrees Celsius!  Definitely needed to wear a hat this morning.  Time to do a good sort out of the winter clothing that is for certain.  

I've had a busy day working on the main bedroom, catching up with things I couldn't do while ill.  It is looking much better now.  We had started to pack up boxes of things, but it had come to a big standstill, so I sorted what I had done and made a list of things that still need to be done and sorted.  

I also started to fill a charity bag, and today I have managed to sort two shirts, five pair of denim leggings I'll no longer wear, a pair of pink plimsolls/converse virtually unworn, a pair of trainers, a hat and a skirt.  This is without even going through my drawers or wardrobe, which I hope to start tomorrow.  Oh and a picture I have decided I don't want to keep any longer.  There is only so much wall space!

While sitting having a cup of tea early this morning, after returning from walking the dogs, I caught a glimpse at the corner of my eye through the patio doors and was delighted to see some Long Tailed Tits.  We haven't had these visit for ages.  What a treat.  Just wish my patio door had been cleaner!  Looks like that is another job.  

There was also a lovely little Chaffinch in the shrubbery. 

We always have Blue Tit visitors which is nice. 

Also on the ground was a little Dunnock, who is also a resident of our garden.


  1. It has been cold the past couple of days hasn't it. I wonder if we're in for a bad winter. Must admit I like a cold snap to get rid of all the germs, buts that's easy for me to say as I don't have to go out if I don't want to.

    I'm rubbish at identifying birds. But I do know a robin has been popping into our garden to eat the honeysuckle berries this week. xx

    1. Oh I hope we are not in for a bad winter. I really don't do cold very well! Although I don't mind the cold if we have the blue skies, it is the dark, damp depressing days I don't like. Fortunately I don't have to go out either, well apart from having to walk the dogs.

  2. Sorry I didn't realise you have been ill, wishing you a speedy recovery. I need to have a catch up here.
    Yes much colder today, we had birds in and out all morning, I have been and stocked up on food for them this afternoon.

    1. Not your fault, and thank you for your well wishes. I am pleased with the progress I have made so far, the medication really seems to be helping thankfully.

  3. Seeing birds flitting about the garden is such a lovely thing. I have Darren my little robin still stopping by most days. Bill is forever having to pop in the B&M to stock up on worms, which are disgusting to see, but the birds love them! x

    1. It is lovely isn't it? How wonderful you have named your Robin, that is fun :) I don't like the meal worms either, but the robins sure like them. We need to restock up on them. Sadly our local garden centre where we used to buy the bird food from has recently closed down. It is a real loss to the area. The owners of the land wouldn't renew the lease apparently, the want to sell off the land to build flats and houses!


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