Sunday 13 October 2019


Another wet day, so have spent it trying to sort through 'stuff'.  Not many other words for it.  A job I don't find pleasurable in any form, but it needs to be done.  I did a tiny bit of faffing and have put fresh batteries in the fairy lights.  Need a bit of twinkle to brighten these dull days. 

I had a wander down to the Antique Fair today, but only spent the entrance fee, so that was good.  No temptations there at all.  I collected a few conkers on the way home.

I've got a few jobs to do tomorrow.  Phone the tree people as we need some of our larger trees trimmed, and also phone the electrician so we can get the timer fixed on our heating so we can start to put it on! Hopefully I'll get through to both and get them booked in asap.

So Sunday is almost over.  The week has flown by as always.  Almost two weeks into October already.  I want to slow down time, it just seems to speed past far too quickly for my liking!


  1. Love your little display, yes I agree about fairy lights, some days will be really dark and gloomy and yes we need some sparkle and twinkle don't we.

  2. Love the display of conkers and pine cones. I do like bringing the outside in during the winter months.

    Time seems to be going at double quick speed here as well. Just one more week and Tom is on half term. It really does only seem 2 minutes since he went back! xx

  3. October is flying by far too quickly. I like Autumn to hang around, instead it always seems in such a hurry to leave.

    Another lovely conker photo! I've just been reading Jules' blog, she started off with conkers too. They make for such a lovely photo.

    Fairy lights are perfect for any time of year, but even more so when it's grey and cold outside. Keep those lights twinkling!

  4. That is a beautiful photo. I love the lustre the shells of horse chestnuts have when they are fresh.

    Start putting your heating on?? Mine's hardly ever been off this summer.

    1. The Horse Chestnuts are really big this year. I picked up some more today, two are huge! I thought the ones I had found were big, but these two are almost double the size, and they were 'twins'. The casing for them was enormous. They certainly do have a lovely lustre when they are fresh. I wish we had some decent light so could get a better shot of them.

      Well I would normally have had it on, but Percy's medical bills sure mount up, and it doesn't switch off automatically anymore due to the timer not going, and so we have been avoiding putting it on in case we forget to turn it off...but it is going to have to be sorted soon as it is certainly cooling down. I understand it has been pretty grim up that way most of the summer, so not surprised yours has hardly been off.

  5. It's hard to resist bringing home more Horse Chestnuts. I still have lots from last year and the year before... they seem to last forever. I like the display you made with the pine cones.


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