Saturday 26 October 2019

Saturday Walk etc.

Feeling increasingly frustrated with waiting.  Waiting for the report we paid for back at the end of September to arrive.  Waiting for the Electrician to turn up to check the timer on our heating and then come and fix it.  Waiting for people to provide the services you have paid for, or are going to be paying for.  Why is it that people nowadays seem to be so slack at providing an efficient service?  

My stomach is churning with the continual uncertainty...which is not helping my internal issues at all.  But it is hard to put it aside and ignore it, even though I am trying.  Especially as the year is zooming along at a very fast pace and we are almost into November already!  But enough of that.

We had a lovely, very brisk walk this morning over a lot of countryside which was really nice.  I got chatting to another New Zealand lady who actually knew the area I used to live in!  We reminisced and also discussed the possibility (albeit probably impractical for me) of doing the Abel Tasman walking track together.  I'd certainly be up for it, but whether I could make it happen is another thing.  Too many variables going against me at the moment unfortunately with the timing of going over.  Normally by now I would have booked my next trip by now, or certainly be thinking about it.   

We managed to finish most of our walk before it started to rain which was good, because the afternoon was very wet indeed!

The afternoon was spent doing some knitting mainly and I got a few little things finished which is good. 

Before I knew it, the evening was basically over and now it is time for bed.


  1. What a dreadful time you have been having, but I am glad you are finishing the week on a better note.

  2. Oddly I'm waiting for a tradesman at the moment too but he did tell me that he was booked up for many months so that if I wanted to get someone else I could. Unfortunately for what I want he's one of the very best (and everyone knows that). I try very hard now not to get stressed about things like that although if my central heating wasn't working I'd be pretty pro-active in getting someone! I hope you do get to do the Abel-Tasman. That would be awesome. I've just done little bits of it.

  3. I hate waiting for things as well. Actually it's more that I hate having to rely on other people to do something. When you think how quickly information can be processed these days and how quickly contact can be made, it seems even worse when things drag on. I really hope you can make some progress soon.

    Knitting is a great way to unwind :) Have a lovely Sunday evening. xx


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