Saturday 12 October 2019

Saturday 12th October

Not exactly an exciting name for a title of my post today, but that is the day and date and the best I could come up with!

I did go on the group walk this morning.  I donned my waterproof leggings, coat and of course trusty walking boots and set off.  I think there were only about ten of us hardy souls today, but it was so worth going as we went somewhere I had been meaning to go to for a long time, but never had.  Lovely fields and woods, so close!  Hubby of course cried surprises there again.  He claimed he didn't have any wet weather gear, until I pointed out that we bought the same set at the same time only last year!    We walked just over 10 km today, so that was good.  Unfortunately my abdomen decided to play up part way round the walk and every few minutes I started getting waves of pretty bad pain which did spoil the walk somewhat, but I tried to focus on the lovely scenery.  I have to say I was pleased to get home!  

I have no idea if this is part of the SM or something else, but I have been a bit gippy the last couple of days.  I have had cauliflower this week, which I have always loved, but hadn't had a while. This is pretty much the only thing different I have had, so I am going to stop having it for a couple of weeks, see if the upset guts goes away, if it does, I will then reintroduce it to see what happens.  I also had to reduce my steroid dose today to 20mg, so not sure if that had anything to do with it or not.  I wouldn't have thought I would have a reaction quite that quick.  It will all go in my food/health diary anyway.  

I didn't take my camera today as it was too wet, so no photos of the lovely countryside we walked through, but I hope to go back so will make sure I get photos then.

A quiet afternoon on the settee, with heat packs and Percy on my lap doing a spot of knitting.

Dinner tonight will be some veg and chicken.  I picked the last three Dalmation beans for dinner.  There are actually more flowers on the plant, but I doubt they will set and grow into beans.  

The Long Tailed Tits visited the bird feeder again this afternoon, which was a delight to see, but again I didn't manage to get any photos of them either.

I was remembering back to this time last year.  I stayed at my son's house last year in October while he was away and enjoyed walking most days along the canal and around the fields near his place, (although then was having lots of pain problems with my feet and legs, thankfully that seems to be over) and the sky was blue, and it was quite warm.  Not like the last few weeks where it has been just grey, overcast and very damp!  Seems winter is already here!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry the stomach pain spoilt the walk. I find the saddest thing about getting older for me, is I find foods that I've always loved will now give me rotten pain, telling me I shouldn't eat it any more. Sometimes I listen and sometimes I don't, I tend to regret it when I don't.
    I hope you can find whatever it was that aggravated your stomach. At least you got your walk in regardless. x


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