Sunday 20 October 2019

My Daily Notebook.

Just over a month ago I bought this notebook at our local garden centre  during its closing down sale.  This simple book has become my daily book.  I write my 'To Do' list of things I hope to do/achieve each day - keeping it manageable and not stressing too much over whether I manage or not and the other side I have been keeping a Food Diary (and recording any symptoms I might be having).   I love the little quotes in it each day.  Keeping a food diary has been a great way of keeping 'on the straight and narrow as well - if I eat it I have to write it down!  

I've also been recording how many kilometres I walk each day and was surprised to add the weekly totals up to see this last week I have walked 58.6 km!  That is pretty amazing when I think back over the last year how much I have struggled to walk without pain.  The last five weeks I have averaged 44 km a week.  

I have also lost 7 pounds in weight so half way to my goal weight.  Not bad in five weeks.  

This notebook has some other sections in it.  A 'Doodle' section, a section for 'Top 5' and 'Monthly Goals'.  I haven't filled any of them out yet, as just working day by day.  I don't want to put any undue pressure on myself to feel I HAVE to complete certain goals by a deadline.  This way I can manage and feel good about what I have achieved, rather than what I haven't.  So I keep it simple.  For example tomorrows 'To Do' will include:  Walk dogs, Group Walk, Post Parcel, Make a start on clearing dining room'.

Have a good week!


  1. I love this idea and think I will try it myself. Keeping it simple, as you say, sounds like it would work best. It's much better to write down 3 things and do them all than write down 10, only do 3 and feel like a failure! Thanks for the inspiration. X

    1. You are welcome :-) Keeping it simple and manageable has really helped. I used to set too unrealistic goals and expectations. This way anything extra I achieve is a bonus.


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