Friday 18 October 2019

Friday Mumblings

I feel I guess a bit out of sorts today.  Can't quite put my finger on it, but haven't really been able to settle down and focus on doing anything, so been floating about achieving nothing. 

The eye drops I was given on Wednesday just seem to have left me with a permanent film over my eyes, so everything is slightly hazy and blurry which is frustrating. So I haven't even been able to sit down and start my cross stitch which I was planning on doing for a little while this morning.  It is all prepared though, so good to start when 'normal service resumes'.

I'm also feeling somewhat frustrated with lack of progress on something that is supposed to be happening, and also frustrating at waiting for people to either return emails/phone calls and send what they are supposed to be sending!   T

The electrician still hasn't called round either to look at the timer on the heating which is a nuisance, especially as it is only getting colder!  It's looking like I am going to have to give him another call as well.

I'm joining three ladies today who are in the walking group at our local theatre to see the film Downtown Abbey.  Not having a TV, I haven't watched the series for a long time.  We did have a disc set, but I think that was series 1 and 2 so probably way behind what is going on, but hopefully it will be good.

Added later.... The film was good, first time I have been to see a film in a theatre in a long time.  I did have to put ear plugs in, as always the sound level was too loud, but the ear plugs worked fine and brought it down to a more tolerable level.  A couple of us stopped for a cuppa afterwards and then walked home together 'putting the world to rights'.

Time to think about dinner now, and a spot of knitting this evening.

1 comment:

  1. Glad it isn't only me that finds the sound level in films far too loud! Glad you enjoyed it though. I can sympathise with the frustration of eye drops causing misty vision too. Hope that it has cleared now? Enjoy your weekend and wishing you well and to feel better soon.


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