Sunday 6 October 2019

Sunday the Sixth!

My youngest boy's birthday today!  How did he get to be twenty three already?  I wrapped up his gifts, all practical -  jogger bottoms, hoodie top, jacket and a tee-shirt I bought him while in NZ.  His Nan gave him some money and a hoodie top, and his brother and sister in law, a pair of trainers and a jogging bottom and top set.  We also pay for his gym membership  which is his lifeline and his phone contract.  We took him out for a meal.  I thought it would be nice to take him out for the meal on his actual birthday but wish now we had left it until tomorrow as it was horrendously busy and noisy.  Thank goodness we had booked.  I am amazed he coped with it as well as he did as he has ASD.  I think I coped with it less well and couldn't wait to leave.  He unwrapped his presents in the car and we took him back home to his little room in a house he shares with others.  It is silly really as my husband sees him every Monday so it would have made far more sense to have had the meal tomorrow.  Obviously I hadn't really engaged my brain properly when I was asked what day would be best to take him out.

It rained heavily during the night, but this morning was dry.  We have had mostly a mixed day of it being overcast with a bit of sun, but that all changed just over an hour ago.  Not long after we got home.  It is looking pretty gloomy out there.  I better go and top up the guinea pigs hay, food etc...and then I can settle in for the evening and not have to go outside again. 

I haven't got any photos for today!  So just words I'm afraid, and pretty uninspiring ones at that. So will finish this now and wish everyone a good week.


  1. Happy Birthday to your son. It sounds like he had a nice time even if in hindsight you think another day may have been better. Gym membership and the phone contract are brilliant presents for a young man, I need to remember that for when Tom is older. I always find men really difficult to buy for.

    Inspiring words are wonderful at times, but I'd rather read something normal that comes from the heart :) Have a lovely week. xx

    1. Yes it can be really difficult to buy for young men. Fortunately our younger son is usually pretty grateful for what he gets, even if the things tend to have a very practical element. It is harder to buy for our older son, as because he is far more independent, he just gets what he wants when he wants...and then if there is something he would like for his birthday or Christmas he usually has high expectations of what we can afford to (or should!) spend.

  2. Happy birthday to your son, I hope he enjoyed his day.

    1. Thank you, he seemed to. I've just realised I better update my boys ages in my profile! The years seem to have escaped me.


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