Friday 25 October 2019

A Friend on Friday

I managed to walk the dogs this morning before the rain came down which was good as it has been pretty damp and horrible weather wise the rest of the day.  Percy seemed to cope with the walk pretty much as normal which was good as well. 

These fungi are near our cherry tree so I took a photo of them.

They look so smooth and shiny with the morning dew/dampness on them.

There are still brave roses coming out in bloom.  But I don't know for how much longer.  I bet they will be pretty much ruined by the end of the weekend.

I picked up a couple of quite small pyrex dishes from the CS the other day.  This one matches a set I have, and now that there is just the two of us these smaller dishes are quite useful for cooking things in.

My friend came to visit today.  I haven't seen her in months and months.  So we had a good catch up and chin wag.  It was a lot of fun...although my throat feels a little hoarse now.

We still haven't had the report we were told would be emailed through yesterday afternoon which is frustrating as we are being badgered by someone else about it, but it is out of our control. 

Well I think I am going to have to go and put the heating on.... still having to do it manually as the Electrician hasn't turned up or responded to my messages either!    It is starting to feel rather chilly!

Have a great weekend.


  1. I haven't got any but I really love the old pyrex dishes, must look out for some.

  2. you have so many roses! They look beautiful. I love seeing roses carrying on right through until the cold months. A couple of years ago I noticed a rose bud covered in snow in the garden. I hadn't noticed it until I went round taking snowy photos!

    Glad you have a lovely time with your friend. Have a fabulous weekend. x

  3. The colour of the fungi is lovely, it reminds me of creme caramel which is one of my favourite desserts. I hope your roses survive, they're so pretty.

    Catching up with friends is good for the soul isn't it. I don't see my friends very often but I think that tends to make our get togethers extra special.

    Hope you have a lovely weekend and the electrician gets in touch. xx

  4. My Mum had Autumn Glory. I avoid all pyrex now due to the hard tiled floor and the way it explodes when it's dropped!

  5. Love reading your posts. Hope you have a great weekend too.


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