Sunday 21 August 2016

Sunday Summary

Another dull and slightly drizzly day for most of the day today, so I spent much of the day sewing again, catching up on things I needed to do and a couple of orders.

By the late afternoon the sun was appearing and the flowers looked lovely in the sunlight.

This apple got picked before it fell off...a lot have been falling off, so this one and one that had fallen, along with a couple of rhubarb stalks were destined for my 'apple stuff' dessert and a few vegetables were picked/pulled to go with dinner.


  1. I love the photos with the bees. You must have patiently waited for those!

  2. Apart from the potatoes the few vegetables I planted this year came to nothing. Everything else went mad and just now the Livingston Daisies (Mesembryanthemums) are looking splendid as are the Roxanne Geraniums. Unfortunately we've had a few storms recently which have had a deleterious affect on some things. Your plants really benefit from your location and shelter.


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