Sunday 31 May 2020

Soothing Sunday

At last a lovely no noise, no smoke day!  A quiet soothing Sunday, just the way it should be.  I didn't do any gardening today except for watering the garden in the evening.  It was too hot in the morning, and I was a little sore and tired, so decided just to have an easy day.  I did some reading, a little crochet, a little sewing and just general pottering around.  The guinea pigs got cleaned out.  Baily & Felix, Jeremy and Murphy came down to the outside hutch for the day.  It was nice watching them eating, and sleeping in their cage, while I was sitting and reading.

The sky was a glorious blue.

I spent some time by the pond.

I managed to get several photographs of a Broad-Bodied Male Chaser

Just love these lilies.

Ships going past.

Dennis enjoyed being on the grass.

The wild flower mat that I got for my birthday in March has some very big plants grown from it!

Courgettes!  I am so looking forward to these.

After I had watered the garden I went for a short walk along the coastal path to the bay and home.

Well that was May - can't believe it is June tomorrow!


  1. nawww you have guinea pigs, I've been trying to talk the other half into us getting some but I don't think he's so keen.

    1. They are such lovely little pets, easy to look after. Quite entertaining too.

  2. What a relief to finally have a quiet pleasant day - perfect for recharging batteries :)

  3. So glad you finally had some peace in your garden. Great photos, you have a real talent for photography.

  4. I cant' believe it. I was admiring your Broad-Bodied Chaser pictures and then saw the water-lilies (mine all died very suddenly and all at once a few years ago) when I wondered what had happened to the order I was putting in for another water-lily plant. I then forgot to return. So I've just caught up again. My garden has been a delight of bees in the heat of the last three days and then today we have a Northerly freezing our pants off again.

  5. Very easy to get distracted, I do it all the time! There has been a lot of bees in the garden as well, quite a few different types from what I have observed too.

    We have drizzle here this morning (Wednesday 3rd) and the temperature has dropped.


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