Friday 1 May 2020

May has arrived!

Lots of ships still anchored out at sea this morning when I went for my walk.

The pond that has been so dry is now full again.

Blossoms on various plants along my way.

Beautiful wisteria


A front garden on my walk home along the road.

Walking seems such hard work at the moment!  Considering I have been walking pretty much most days since September and averaging over 20 miles a week, it shouldn't feel like hard work, but it does.  I guess that is another side effect of coming off the steroids.    I also fell today - my feet slipped out from underneath me and I came crashing down and landed on my left arm/elbow and back.  Ouch is an understatement!  My elbow is swollen and I have a bruise running down the length of my arm.  A reminder to get some Arnica!  Needless to say I didn't enjoy the rest of my walk because of the pain.

 I spent the rest of the day quietly inside.  My neighbour came to pick up the two little dolls I had made for her and her grand-daughter. I put them in a little bag and put them on my patio table.   She was so pleased with my gift she came back with some fabric, buttons and a bunch of flowers and chocolates.  I don't like many chocolates, but do like the Lindor ones.  That was really lovely of her.   She left them on the table for me.

I immediately used some of the fabric to make my antique wooden doll, Peggy Sue, a dress.  

I didn't do any gardening today as my arm hurt too much and the weather was pretty changeable, raining on and off.

I took a couple of photos of my front garden bank this morning when I came back from the walk, as it has really covered up nicely with lots of different flowers and plants.

To think parts of it were really bare only just over a month ago.

The front of the deck is looking colourful as well, although the grass needs mowing again.  Hopefully my arm will feel better in a couple of days to do so.

Have a good weekend!


  1. Not good about the fall - hope it heals quickly. It is lovely to see all the spring flowers.

    1. Thank you, not too bad today fortunately.

  2. I know we are relieved that the drought is over, we are due for more this weekend and some low temps next week.

    1. Still very dry though in other parts of Northland and Auckland from what my Dad was saying on the phone this morning. I bet you are pleased though to have some rain.

  3. Ouch, I hope you don't have any long-lasting effects from your fall. It sounded nasty.
    Amazing how quickly things grow once they get the idea it is spring. Loved the lilac photo, it brought back memories of heavenly scent :)

    1. I have added a lilac, to my 'plants to get list'. Fortunately I don't think I will have long lasting effects...just a little stiff, but then I was anyway!

  4. Hope you feel better soon, that must have hurt. Beautiful garden.

    1. Thank you, I am not too bad today, as long as I don't bump my arm, it is much better than I thought it would be.

  5. Firstly I am SO envious of all your plants growing like that.

    Secondly, I'm sorry that you've had a fall. I do hope that your pain lessens. Living with constant pain must be unimaginably debilitating. I know that over the years I've been reading your blog how unpleasant it's been for you. I had a fall last week too. I tripped over a strainer wire when I was distracted. I've got away with bruised ribs and nothing broken. Why am I telling you this? Because there is always some way of getting relief by playing The Glad Game. I fell full length. My head missed a 10inch high roughcast wall by less than a foot. another foot or so and I wouldn't be writing this comment. At the very least I'd be in hospital having facial reconstruction and at worst my son would have written the last post on my Blog. I've been playing The Glad Game ever since when my ribs protest.

    1. Oh definitely the glad game for sure, I didn't break anything, and could have done...and also glad it wasn't on the edge of the cliff I slipped! Glad for you also, that sounds nasty too!

      I'm amazed how quick everything grows down here. I even had my first radishes and salad leaves today! Trouble is the nettles and weeds also grow jolly quick, and you can hardly tell where I cleared early last week now!

  6. Your garden looks very beautiful. I love the riot of colours on your front porch :)


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