Wednesday 22 April 2020

Words on Wednesday

Just words, the usual style of post is in the previous post. 

I wrote this on Monday afternoon. Just my observations from sitting and listening and watching.  Just going with the flow, so a little disjointed, but just things as I saw, heard and thought.

Monday 20th April 2020.

Today has been a gorgeous day.  A bit breezy but warm with a beautiful blue sky.   I often sit in the garden seat in the front of the garden that overlooks the road below and out to sea.  I sit and read with a cup of tea during breaks from other activities such as gardening or sewing.  More sewing than gardening has been done these last few days I guess.  I’m currently waiting on some bags of potting mix and compost, bamboo poles and plants.  Oh and elbow length gardening gloves to do battle with the stinging nettles.

All I can hear is birds, bees and the wind and sea.  It really is quite perfect.  There are a lot of bees at work stopping briefly on plants before moving on to another.    I saw my first goldfinch in this garden today.  It flew down to the pond and looked like it wanted a drink but couldn’t quite work out how to get the water as the level has dropped. I must see if I can find something to make a birdbath with.  The blackbirds are more sued to the pond and hop on the frog ramp to access the water for a drink or a bath and I watched Mrs Blackbird do just such a thing today. 

It is late afternoon so will soon be time to start cooking my dinner.  The plants have been watered, rather a few trips up and down the garden to do so!  The guinea pigs have been fed too. 

Pigeons are cooing, the odd crow cawing and general twittering of robins and other birds.  I can also hear the water fountain trickling in the pond.  Some days it is more obvious than others, but the sea is louder today because of the wind.  I can see white caps on the blue. 

So many colours surround me, blues, pinks, and rich reds, orange, yellow and white flowers in the garden on various plants, hedging and clematis. Different shades of green of the grass, shrubbery, leaves, stems etc… The sky is a beautiful blue interspersed with soft white clouds.    Ivy intertwines itself on the trellis work of my garden seat.  I sit and think how lucky I am to be living here.  It turns out it really was worth the long wait.

I the tree opposite my seat in another garden I can see several nests, although haven’t ever seen anything fly into or near them as yet.  Perhaps they are long abandoned.

There are many tadpoles in the pond slowly growing.  Fish are seen too, but they tend to stay out of sight a lot. 

In the top corner of the seat frame there is a tiny perfectly formed spider’s web.  The sun is reflecting off it making it look almost like delicate silver. 

A wood pigeon has twice flown to the edge of the pond and twice flown off straight away as it has realised I am sitting no so far away.  It is not quite brave enough to ignore me.

I can hear the wind rustle through the leaves I the trees and see them swaying.  Nothing is really still today.  Plants, grasses and flowers are bobbing this way and that.  Even the fountain sprays of water change direction frequently with the breeze. 

A very young robin has just hopped on the branches of the tree behind where I sit.  I can see it through the trellis as I am sitting sideways on the seat so I can see in different directions.  Usually I see an adult robin, this is the first time I have seen a youngster.  It looks very well fed and still has its speckled colouring.  How wonderful to see this fledgling venturing out into the world. 

On the pine tree across to the right a crow sits on the uppermost branch, now walking along it a bit like a tight rope walker.  Now stopped, looking this way and that for a few minutes before he takes off in flight.  A seagull is making use of the thermals in the air as it flies across the vista in front of me. 

Shadows are lengthening as the sun is starting to get lower in the sky; the wind seems to be picking up again.  It’s time to go in and start preparing dinner as reluctant as I am to leave this spot.

1 comment:

  1. Go with the flow, catch the elusive thoughts and words before they fly away


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