Wednesday 8 November 2017

Healing Nicely

The wonders of Fucithalmic Eye Ointment.

You may remember on 24th October, poor Dundee suffered from a bad 'eye poke' a condition guinea pigs can sometimes get from getting their eye 'poked', usually with a blade of hay.

This is what it looked like before I started treating it.  Many vets would have said he needed his eye removed - I know this as I have seen less severe problems on other people's pigs who took them to the vet and that was the outcome. Whereas I have used this before and seen the success stories!  So figured it was worth a try.

This is what it looked like about 5 days ago - so much better - it did look worse for a while, but I forgot to take a photo.  However, by this stage,after a week of treatment he had started blinking so I had a feeling his sight might have been returning.

This is the eye today and I gave him his last treatment.  He is blinking his eye now everything time I try to put the ointment in, and has been treated twice daily for the last two weeks.

I am guessing his vision might not be what it once was, but he is certainly a lot happier now.


  1. That's good news and proof that often Mum is the best doctor of all!

    1. Really good news and yes 43 (cough cough, is it really that long, how can that be when I am 'only 36') years experience of keeping guinea pigs, and training as a Veterinary Nurse (in another life!) also helped ;-)

  2. It's such a good thing you knew just what to treat his eye with. It looks 100% better.

  3. Hi what was the treatment you have it

    1. It was at the very beginning of the post Fucithalmic Eye Ointment:)

  4. My baby wasnjist prescribed eye ointment. vet initially said it was a fatty eye but it got red so I brought him back. How do I use the ointment? Does it go in the Eye? Around the eye?

    Thank you!

    1. The ointment goes in the eye, but please remember, although I was a veterinary nurse, I am not a qualified vet, so just writing on my own experience. Fatty eye is quite obvious - a fatty lump usually at the bottom of the eye that makes the bottom of the eyelid droop due to the fatty lump pushing out.

  5. The animal veterinarian of my pets, prescribe already that eye ointment, and its very effective. Its nice to know that your pet heal nicely. By the way, thank you for sharing this.


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