Saturday 30 September 2017

Saturday Sewing

I haven't finished the Conservatory/Utility room yet, I am still sore after my trip into London to the hospital on Thursday, but what I did manage to get done the other day means I was able to do some sewing today. 

I cleared this table that had become completely cluttered, pulled it out and washed the windows, frames, sills and floor.

I covered the table with a wipe clean cloth I had that I cut down.

I cleared out the drawers, folded fabric and reorganised a couple of them.

This is just a tiny fraction of fabric that I had that was just waiting to be folded and stored.

A drawer with some useful bits and pieces.

Table reorganised, sewing machines cleaned and put back on them.  I will sew here until such time that I have the Studio back operational.

A few books that are currently out from their usual book shelving.

So back to today!  It was pretty miserable outside so I thought I would do some sewing.

I copied out and cut the pattern pieces, and got the fabric for a pair of boy (doll) knickerbockers.

The still need buckles on the legs, if I can find some, and a button on the waistband.  I am not happy with the stitching on the 'fly' so might undo it and stitch with a colour that blends in more.  I'm not sure they are going to fit the doll that they are intended for and unfortunately I can't try them for size as I don't have the doll in question!  Hopefully they will look better on than they do in this photo. They were rather fiddly to make.

Matched up some fabrics and zips

To make two little zipper pouches/cosmetic or whatever you want to use them for bags.  

Last night I started sewing my hexagon flowers together.

I am just sewing them together randomly, as I grab a new flower each time.

This afternoon I went down the garden to pick the apples before we lose anymore.

They look especially good this year and rather delicious!


  1. Well, you've made a great start with the sewing!! The apples look good....I wonder what you'll do/make with them?

    1. Thank you. I light boil them so they are a little soft, but not too soft and then freeze them in little tinfoil containers and then I can pull a container out during the winter and put a crumble on top, or use the apple to make pies etc... These apples though are good enough to eat as they are.

  2. Love the hexagon flowers! The colors are so vibrant. The knickerbockers are adorable.

    1. Thank you. The hexagon flowers were such fun swaps to do - I have been looking at the dates on the back of them and they date back to 2011/12. I don't have enough to make a quilt with them, but have worked out how to join them together to make a pattern that I might then centre on a quilt. Not quite sure yet.

  3. Those apples look terrific. I like the hexagon flowers.

    What a delightful sewing space!

  4. You have made yourself a lovely nook, love the photos with the reflections. You have certainly been busy the cosmetic bags are a joy and would make wonderful gifts.

    1. Ha ha the reflections remind me that I still need to clear the shelf BEHIND the sewing table! It is a lovely space and very light and I have also been using it to paint in.

      Yes I think the little bags will be gifts for Christmas.

  5. I always find that clearing and cleaning very cathartic.


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