Wednesday 25 March 2020

A Quiet Wednesday

I've had a quiet day today...somewhat reflective and well just quiet.  My left hip and back is a little sore today, hardly surprising with the amount of carpet I have had to dig out of the garden, so probably need to rest in between sometimes.   I did go up the top of the garden and planted two rows of peas, and I will plant another two rows of a different variety in a few days time.    I didn't go out for a walk today as I got a bit put off yesterday with the amount of people I saw, and when sitting on my garden seat this afternoon, I saw more young people out which is a little off putting.  There was a group of three, albeit a bit straggled and a group of two... perhaps I might go for my walk in the early morning.

Because I don't know what the shopping situation is going to be like in a few weeks time I thought I would try a microgreen kit so I have something fresh to have with my lunch.

It is nicely packaged with a book, packets of seeds, earth and pots.

The earth comes in little dried circles.

You put it in 200 mls of water and leave for 15 minutes.

While soaking.

Little cardboard pots.

You put a couple of teaspoons of the earth in and then a couple of feed pellets

Fill the rest with the soil and then sprinkle the seeds on top

Cover with a damp paper towel and then wait!  Watering regularly to keep the seeds damp.

I prepared two pots to start with, Pink Kale and Broccoli, so it will be interesting to see the results in a week or so time.

I sat and read most of the day on and off. It has been another glorious day with a stunning blue sky and nice and warm.  I alternated between sitting on the deck and sometimes in my seat in the front garden.  

From the deck I saw these two robins.

I also saw a wren flitting backwards and forwards across the garden between bushes and shrubs.

A pair of wood pigeons are frequent visitors to the garden and use the pond as their source of water.  I wish I had a bird bath in the garden.

What looks like a Ferry in the distance...transporting goods I hope and not people!

Tadpoles (not the best picture)


I have treated the pond today as the blanket weed is starting to take over.  I hope it starts working soon.  It says it is animal friendly so hopefully it is.


  1. What a brilliant way of growing microgreens. A pity about all the walkers, but at least you have your wonderful garden to be outside in. Take it easy and don't overdo things :) xx

    1. Hopefully the microgreen growing will work, at the moment they seem to have stuck to the paper towels!

      I had yesterday 'off' from working in the garden as well. Will do some today. (Friday)

  2. I haven't seen a newt in real life since I was a child frequenting Jackson's Pond. We used to raft there. Then someone fell off a raft and drowned and they filled it in and built houses. It's amazing what mention of a newt will bring to mind.

    1. Funny how things can trigger our memories, although that isn't such a good memory!

  3. Pace yourself please!! Your garden is looking good..steady as she goes!

    1. Yes, definitely need to pace myself, it is too easy to get carried away by the enthusiasm I have for a new project.

  4. The microgreens are a great idea.

  5. Thanks for the link. I've enjoyed the posts I've read so far. We bought a supply of broccoli and alfalfa seeds back in Feb. We've been glad to have the sprouts. I have a set of sprouting lids that fit on a wide mouth canning jar. I've never checked into the microgreens.

    1. You are welcome Dawn, there are quite a few posts this month as I have been so enthusiastic about the garden and walks.

      I had a sprouter - wish I still had it as could do three trays of sprouts at once. Hopefully these microgreens will work.


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