Thursday 13 February 2020

Late Afternoon Walk to the Bay.

I spent most of the day working on the kitchen, cleaning cupboards, drawers etc...and getting it finished...I also worked on the sewing/music room.  The day was pretty horrible with rain and hail at times, and it had been a very windy night.  Fortunately by mid afternoon the weather had cleared up enough for me to get out for my walk. I walked just over two miles this afternoon which was good.  I did a bit of a round loop this time, partly on the road which is ever so quiet and the rest through some woodland and then down to the beach, along some countryside, another very quiet lane and then home.

The track leading down to the bay.

You can just glimpse the sea.

The sea was very noisy and quite rough at times.

It was late afternoon so the sun was just on its way down.

I sat and watched and listened to the waves for a while.

It was shocking to see how much rubbish had been washed up after our beach clean up on Saturday.

You wouldn't think we had the beach clean and tidy less than a week ago.

Plastic, shoes, bottles, drains, wood, all sorts of detritus.  What a shame.

Last view of the beach before I turned round to walk home.

Some lovely old stone walls.


  1. I'm out of commission for a shot while and I miss one of the most important chunks of your recent life. As you can imagine when I read this I was very puzzled so I have had to go back through your recent posts. Good heavens. So I'm sorry that whilst I've been indisposed I missed all that's being going on but now that I've caught up I am so pleased for you and I wish you good health and happy hearts in your new abode.

  2. Unfortunately, rubbish on beaches seems to be increasing around the world. There must be an awful amount of it floating around in our oceans.

  3. I must admit I was surprised just how much rubbish there was after a such a short time since the beach clean up. Great photos of the sea.


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