Sunday 4 October 2015

A Good Weekend Spent in the Garden.

The weather has been especially kind to us this last week - although not before time!  The weekend was spent in the garden...I have been planning out a border for the side of the garden.  I forgot to take a 'before' photo...but have taken one just after I started laying it out.

I want this area along the fence line to look a little more defined...we were originally going to put in wooden half round edgings, but the problem with that is the wood rots...and then on Thursday I saw an edging a friend had done in her garden - digging bricks in and making a 'mowing strip' edge.  I started laying the bricks out yesterday and then finished today.  I had to carry four bricks at a time in a bag through the garage and conservatory from the front of the house to the back...I think I did 20 trips in all!

The edge is currently two bricks high as I wanted to see what it looks like.  I still has to be 'dug' in so that it is level with the lawn, although I quite like this effect.

I raked up the leaves and did some general tidying up.

I levelled the bird bath.

I also removed a tree/shrub that was growing right behind our maple. 
 I really don't like having to cut down trees, I find it very difficult to do -  but it was too big to dig up and move and was starting to encroach too much.  We really should have moved it much sooner and then we wouldn't have had to cut it down.  A lesson learned!

 The result is that it already looks a little lighter and clearer. 

 Just waiting for my husband to dig out the roots now. 
Again I forgot to take a 'before' photo.

I put up two bird boxes as well.

Hopefully these will be used come spring time.

Lastly I planted the buddleia 

Some apples growing on our small apple tree - not quite ready yet.

Some roses still putting on a pretty display.

Some of the apple harvest from our larger tree.   

I will probably part stew these and freeze them so I can make apple crumble and other deserts in the winter months.

A good weekend indeed.  Still a lot of work to do, but progress being mad.


  1. By gum you've been hard at work. It's quite interesting seeing a garden which is so enclosed and sheltered. Min has absolutely no shelter whatsoever and is open to the winds from the Arctic to all points south.

    1. It took me a few years (or rather many!) to come to grips with an enclosed garden after living on 25 acres for most of my life...although not sure I can actually say that now having been here for nearly 20 years in 11 days time! Yikes, where DID those 20 years go?

      I can well imagine the contrast between your garden and mine, but wow to your views!

  2. Your Roses are still so lovely!! And all your apples. We went apple picking and I've frozen a number of bags for winter too. Take care.


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