Monday 17 August 2015

The Rose Garden work continues.

I am definitely an 'all or nothing' sort of person - when I have the energy to do something I put everything into it.  Finally the sun was shining again today and I managed to dig up the rest of the front garden and planted another seven roses.  

This was what I started a couple of weeks ago...

I dug up a middle strip and planted four roses.

Today it was time to dig up either side of the strip.

The hardest part seems to be skimming the first layer of grass off - that pretty much left me in agony, but I was determined to do it while the sun was out and I was feeling like it.

Once the grass was skimmed off, I dug it all over and then placed the roses out.

I ended up swapping them round a bit.

From top to front I planted:

Iceberg (Korbin)  a white Floribunda Bush Rose  with large pure white fragrant blooms

Moment in Time (Korcastrav) another floribunda rose with masses of bright red blooms with a delicate fragrance.

Blue for You (Pejamblu) a purple Floribunda rose - hopefully this one will stay purple as my other one turned pink!

Chandos Beauty (Harmisty) a hyrbrd Tea Rose which will hopefully have pale pink blush flowers and a lovely fragrance.

Time to dig the last three in...

The back three roses are planted and they are:

From back to front:
Absolutely Fabulous which really does smell Absolutely Fabulous and has lovely yellow blooms.

Tickled Pink (Fryhunky) a floribunda rose with lovely colour and fragrance.

Souvenir Du Dr. Jamain a David Austen 'Old Rose' with lovely deep burgundy flowers

I still need to weed what was the existing edge rose garden and then I will put a bark type mulch over it all to stop weeds and give something to walk on when they need pruning so as not to end up too muddy!  Then of course I need to sort out the rest of the front garden!  But progress is being made...

Another of the roses that was in the existing front garden is 'Designer Sunset' and is ever so pretty.

In the back garden 'Oranges and Lemons' has finally decided to flower....this rose is currently in a large pot - they really don't do so well in pots, so eventually once we have moved the raised vegetable beds, I am going to plant it out along the path.

I am now of course aching all over!  But at least it is a having worked hard type of ache.

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