Sunday 10 November 2019

Sunny Sunday.

I enjoyed an absolutely stunning walk this afternoon with one of the local walking groups across lots of stunning countryside.

This was one of the first things we saw on the walk - just look at the colour of those leaves.  So vibrant.

So beautiful.

Of course it helped that we had the most perfect afternoon for walking.  Blue sky and sun shining.

Saw some interesting things along the walk.


Lovely little church.

Beautiful stained glass.

Through woods.

Such a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon. 


  1. Sounds like your walk was awesome - sunshine, beautiful countryside (loved the gold in that tree), interesting things to look at (your fungi photos are amazing). What could be better?

  2. so beautiful. We have blue skies at times, but then it gets dark and starts to pour. So cold suddenly too! Your photos are a reminder that in between rain and darkness, it's still incredibly beautiful out there!


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