Sunday 17 May 2015

The garden needs attention!

Looking back at last year's post for the same time I was shocked at how little I have done in the garden this spring - the same time last year I had loads of lovely flowering baskets up and everything.  

Where has the time gone?  Okay the last week or so I haven't been able to do anything because of a nasty pain flare up, but even so....

Right into the garden this week it must be!

In the meantime a few photos I took this afternoon - nothing compared to last year though.

The Rhododendrons have started flowering - but the bed they are in is looking rather cluttered and overgrown so will work on that first starting tomorrow morning all being well with the weather.

The first rose for the season has opened its bud.

A bud on another rose is stating to appear.

So the plan for the week is to get to work clearing and weeding the front garden - it really is quite overgrown and unloved at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. Of course you are a lot further on than we are in the Hebrides though.


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