Friday, 27 October 2017

Day Twenty Seven

Photo of the Day:

What a beautiful day it has been today.  Gorgeous blue sky and reasonably mild considering the time of year it is.  Quite the change from yesterday when it was very grey and damp.  

Now for the boring stuff.  

Unfortunately I had to go into London again today. I also went yesterday for my second acupuncture treatment.  Today was the first of my physiotherapy sessions.  It all had to be fitted into 1/2 an hour as they thought Bupa were paying for it - they are not, turns out they don't pay for any treatments unless you are admitted to hospital!  So much for medical insurance.  This is costing me (or rather my husband) a fortune, I just hope it will work and isn't yet more money down the drain which has happened in the past. I tell you the cost of these sessions is  A LOT!   The session did seem to go reasonably well, and he was wanting to see me again next week, but the next appointment he is available isn't until two weeks time, which is a bit frustrating.  My whole right side down to my foot is apparently quite weak which might explain why I am getting a lot of hip pain on the left side.  We are going to start working at trying to build up my core strength and the aim will be for strength not pain reduction as increase in strength is more easily seen and assessed, and more positive - so even if the pain reduction doesn't happen for some time, we will at least be able to see progress IS being made.  At least that is the theory.  I am being sent some exercises to do and currently have my right shoulder taped up to try and keep the thoracic area more open.

Prompt for today:  Tractor


  1. It all sounds very painful so I hope the exercises work quickly

    1. Very painful, I am hoping they will work quickly as well, although the physio thinks it is going to be medium to long term before I see any results. Certainly this morning I am as sore and stiff as ever from being poked and prodded and made to do various movements. But I am hopeful. I'm too young to be feeling so decrepit!

  2. I have an idea about the hip pain you are suffering from and wish you luck with your physiotherapy sessions.

    Joan (Devon)

    1. Thank you Joan. Sorry to hear you have had hip pain as well, it is not pleasant that is for sure.

  3. I hope all this will have a positive effect on your health. One hates to think of spending a lot of money and then the treatment not helping.

    1. Thank you, I do as well, as this is money we can ill afford if it doesn't work. If it does, well hopefully I will be able to return to music and teaching at long last and recoup some of the expenses.

  4. Oh Lorraine...My heart goes out to you as you continue on this long suffering pain management! I admire your true grit and determination...

  5. Would swimming help? It may help to build up your strength again. Hope you have some relief soon.

    1. Swimming may well, as long as it isn't crawl strokes, but I find the swimming pools far too cold and so tense up which of course is detrimental. Now if they were proper hot pools, I would probably go all the time!


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