Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Day Eighteen - Death of a Tree

Photo of the Day:

'Death of a Tree'

The road looked sadly bare this morning when we headed off to my next hospital appointment.

On the way back home we stopped and I took a few more photos of the result of the stupidity. (I'm afraid I have far worse words I could use, and certainly none better, as it just makes no sense to me as to why they would cut this beautiful tree down.

Some of the leaves hadn't even fallen yet and were still on the verge of turning...

All that remains.  

This makes me feel so incredibly sad.

This is one of the others.  The tree that was cut down looked just like this only a day ago.

This is the other Oak with very few leaves left on now.

We are going to look into getting Preservation Orders put onto the remaining trees on our street.


I will add my two pieces of art work on the yesterday's and today's posts tomorrow - I am a little bit behind with those are two days in London having tests and seeing specialists.


Prompt for today:  A Member of the Addams Family


  1. It is so sad. Trees are beautiful and that one looks healthy so no readon (to my mind) to cut it down. Truly sad.

    Joan (Devon)

    1. Very sad. It was perfectly healthy and they could give us no reason it was being cut down, other than 'we were told to'.

  2. Hope all went well at the hospital.

    1. Thank you, I think I can say the appointments were a success, and a treatment plan has been put in place.

  3. I wonder if some thought the tree was too messy? In any case, it's really too bad. It must have looked so lovely especially now in its Fall colours,

    1. Who knows the reason, the council was supposed to be getting in touch with us, but of course haven't!

  4. council stupidity at its best. What a dreadful waste of a beautiful tree. Bunch of muppets.

    Hope the tests went well x

    1. You are so right. A real waste, I still feel so sad about it.

      Thank you, yes the tests went well, and nothing horribly nasty going on, just the muscles not working like they are supposed to be for some unknown reason.


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