Staying with my son, daughter in law, and little grand daughter for a week while I have more tests and a dental visit, it is nice to hear the wonderful birdsong in the garden. Something I do miss on the Island, as we just don't get anywhere near the birdsong down there as we got up here.
It was lovely to see a pair of woodpeckers in the garden
The following day we also saw a flock of long tailed tits.
We had one outing while up here, visiting the Verulamium and St Albans Cathedral.
We had a wander down and up to the Cathedral
Part of an old Roman wall.
You can't walk around the lake and haven't been able to do so for many months since before last summer I believe.
It is very badly flooded. I do hope they will address this problem, as it was always so lovely to walk around it.
It was lovely to see a blue sky for once too! It seems so long since we last saw one.
Well better news, than at the end of last month. My latest results have improved to what they were the time before last, so that is good, even if the improvement isn't what the doctors hoped for. I won't know the full results for a week or so. It seems that yet again they might have missed out doing one of the tests, even though I reiterated to both the check in person, and the nurse who took the tests that could they make sure that every test was done, as they missed one last time. I also asked the doctor I spoke to the following day if he could make sure the test was done. I mean how can they miss out a test when they have collected a vial for it and stuck the label on??
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