Saturday, 1 February 2025


Well it is February already.  January went quickly it seems.  Perhaps because I had to spend some of it on the mainland having more tests.  Looks like I will be having tests once a month for a while.  Hopefully next time they will show improvement.  

I should have taken a photo yesterday, quite the contrast to today which is as you can see overcast, dreary and damp.

I thought I would take a few photos of what is flowering in the front garden.

A rose!

You can see the buds coming on the rhododendron.

Catkins on the Hazel trees.

New Zealand Hebe which grew from a cutting of one of the first plants I bought when I came to England almost 30 years ago!

Some snowdrops. (Although not technically, I can't remember their official name)

Adorable, but naughty Peter.  Actually he is good at home, he is only naughty when he sees other dogs.  He is doing well at agility group, and is starting to calm down a bit quicker...maybe one day I will be brave enough to upload a video of us.

Simon who wouldn't stand still for a photo.

Well just a short post to give a bit of an update.  
I can't sit at the computer for too long as my back hurts and my arm starts flaring up.

So ta taa for now.


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