Friday 5 July 2019

Isle of Wight Holiday 2019 - Day Seven: Part Two

In the evening after we had had dinner we left the dogs at home, and went back to Wroxall so we could do the walk up Rew Lane, across to Appuldurcombe House, over to Freemantle Gate and back down Appuldurcombe Road.  It was an extremely pleasant walk, peaceful, warm with a slight breeze and fantastic views.

Looking across you can get a glimpse of the sea.

Looking down at the village.

Zooming in to the village with the patchwork of fields behind.

Appuldurcombe House.  

Freemantle Gate

The network of footpaths you can take from Freemantle Gate.

What a lovely way to spend our last evening of our holiday on the Isle of Wight.

Until next time!

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