Thursday 29 February 2024

Well that was February

I missed these two photos taken the 28th January.  A beautiful sunrise.

and then a few days later we were into February...which was pretty wet and dismal as well for the majority of the month, with the odd dry sunny day or usually afternoon here and there.

I slipped on our driveway and hurt myself, so hubby spent several hours pressure washing it.  We do have some special stuff to put on it, but it has to be dry afterwards, and we never have long enough dry weather to put it on.  Needless to say we are still waiting for several days of dry weather so we can put the moss/slime killer down.

Beautiful varieties of snowdrops by our pond.

A caterpillar...this is I believe an Oak Eggar caterpillar which was on our buddleia plant I was pruning.

The 18th February was one of the few lovely days we had this month.

So a productive day was spent in the garden.

Beautiful berries.


The grass is getting long, but it was still too wet to mow.

Fortunately a couple of days ago (now 29th February) we had a couple of very windy days with no rain which dried the grass enough to cut.  

We have also spent a couple of days (not in a row due to the terrible weather) when we have been able to get up into the orchard and do some hedge trimming, apple tree pruning and more buddleia cutting!  Oh and even managed to get the back lawn mowed - yes after those high winds. Two days of lawn mowing, which hubby did thankfully.

My Valentine's Day flowers.

So that was the month of February.  I can't believe it is March tomorrow!
So much for my blogging more regularly.


I finished several books in February:

Mere Christianity by CS Lewis.  I also watched Shadowland which I enjoyed.

The Penguin Lessons by Tom Mitchell

The Bullet that Missed by Richard Osman 



  1. Your gardens look lush and green due to the wetness you are experiencing, plus the red berries.

    1. Thank you, and sorry for the delay in publishing and acknowledging this comment. Goodness where have the months gone?! The garden is still looking very lush and green, and somewhat terribly overgrown and weedy due to all the damp weather we are STILL having!


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