I spent quite a lot of time in the garden observing nature while in NZ.
Pretty rose with a gorgeous scent.
Water lilies in the pond at my parents place.
Insects, Moths & Spiders:
Cicada casing.
Praying Mantis
Monarch Butterfly
Northern Wattle Moth
Leopard slug seen one night on the wall.
I was delighted to capture this little Wax Eye.
Wood Pigeon
A highlight was seeing the little Morepork that I heard calling each night.
Birds seen while out:
Of course the series of bird photos wouldn't be complete without the little fantail.
(Repeat photos of previous post - just because these are some of my most favourite little birds)
So many delightful photos. I just love the cicada shots, so sharp. And the little Wax Eyes; they can be so hard to get a good shot of. I, for one, can never resist a fantail!