Thursday, 19 February 2015

Journal 52 Catch ups Week 2 & 3

My final two pages for my Journal 52 Catch Up.

Week 2:  Just Be

Prompt here...

Week 3:  Conversation Starters..

Taking a doll out and about with you and photographing it is always bound to start conversations...

Most of them interesting and stimulating...only the one comment that could be construed as negative, but one that I took in good jest and answered with the age of 8.

The prompt can be found here.


  1. No Serenata. You'd never do anything like that at the age of 8. I was in my sixties before I was that young!

    1. Ha ha, I think you are have to 'grow up' before you can stop worrying about being self-conscious!

      It is surprising just how interesting some of the conversations end up and people who would probably never normally talk to each other do.


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